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"Not So Silent" is a heartwarming collection of three stories that celebrate the lives of children navigating the world with hearing loss. The stories highlight friendship, resilience, and inclusivity. In Ana, Sven, and Grandpa's Hearing Journey, we follow the adventures of a child whose deaf grandfather rediscovers joy with a cochlear implant and starts learning sign language, guided by young friends. In Sven's First Days in Kindergarten, a young boy with cochlear implants takes his first brave steps into a new world. Finally, Ana's World paints a vivid picture of a girl who, though born deaf, experiences life with wonder and joy, using sign language to share her stories and dreams with those around her. These stories remind us that communication and connection come in many forms. The English version of the book is available only as a PDF download. However, hard copies are available in Slovenian, Portuguese, German, Greek, and Macedonian.

NOT SO SILENT Picture Book

SKU: 0
Expected to ship by January 2025
  • By Katja Lenič Šalamun and Polona Lovšin

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS.jpg

Финансиран од Европската Унија. Сепак, искажаните ставови и мислења се само на авторот(ите) и не мора да ги одразуваат ставовите на Европската унија или Европската извршна агенција за образование и култура (EACEA). Ниту Европската Унија, ниту EACEA не можат да бидат одговорни за нив.

Број на проект: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000087256 

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