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Learning Sign Language

eLearning Course

6/30/24, 10:00 PM

We have launched our eLearning Course for parents and caregivers!

Our eLearning course is designed for parents and caregivers of deaf  children. It is divided into five modules, each addressing  crucial aspects of understanding, supporting, and advocating for your  child’s needs.

Explore five modules covering essential topics:

Module No. 1 | ALL ABOUT HEARING – Understand how the ear works, types of hearing loss, available technology, and more.

Module No. 2 | COMMUNICATION – Learn alternative communication methods, support speech development, and fost

er socialization.

Module No. 3 | BUILDING RESILIENCE – Discover strategies to nurture resilience in both you and your child.

Module No. 4 | BECOMING A DISABILITY ADVOCATE – Empower yourself to advocate for your child’s rights and inclusion.

Module No. 5 | INVOLVING THE ENTIRE FAMILY – Explore the role of family support and learn from the SILENT Family Learning Toolkit.

You can access the eCourse here:

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS.jpg

Финансиран од Европската Унија. Сепак, искажаните ставови и мислења се само на авторот(ите) и не мора да ги одразуваат ставовите на Европската унија или Европската извршна агенција за образование и култура (EACEA). Ниту Европската Унија, ниту EACEA не можат да бидат одговорни за нив.

Број на проект: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000087256 

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